Animal-Spirit Guides

Why do we have animal spirit-guides? I think it’s perspective. Animal, angel and other non-human guides offer different perspectives on your life. You may even feel differently when connecting to them. Humans are here, earth side, to learn lessons; as such, we are given a team of guides, some are ascended masters (like Jesus or Buddha), some are departed loved ones and some are animals, plants, angels or archangels. Earthly guides also include mountains, lakes, rivers and other land masses, all available to help us learn and progress in our soul’s evolution,

and to ultimately help us reach the absolute sun, or creator. Whether you have, like or know any, you have several animal guides in your spirit-helper team. One way animal-totems guide us is by aligning-with or taking opposition to our own traits, like loyalty, playfulness, intelligence, aggression, creativeness, nervousness, resourcefulness, etc. If we are lacking a trait that can help us, they may show up to illuminate a fresh idea or alternative another direction. If we are overusing a particular trait, they may show up to help steer us away from a dire consequence. No matter why an animal guide shows itself to you, they are here to assist and connect our physical world to the spirit world in the grand process of the soul’s evolution.

Some animals guides will stay by your side throughout your lifetime. You may even recall an inexplicable connection you have to a particular animal since childhood. Yet others will go when their work is done. Whether your animal guides are big and mighty, small and fragile or repulsive and creepy, they all have a role in teaching and helping us; all we have to do is look, notice and ask for their help.

Dawn Renee Neideffer

I’ve been working in the healing arts for thirteen years by teaching yoga, pranayama and meditation.

-I’m a certified hatha yoga teacher and I continue to study shamanism and herbalism as a hobby.

-I have a bachelor's degree and am an ordained minister in metaphysics.

-Since childhood, I’ve received information by clairsentience (feeling), clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing) and claircognizance (knowing). As an adult, I wanted to learn more about why this happened, which is how I found myself studying the mysteries and metaphysics.

-It became clear as I studied metaphysics that I wanted to help others..

-I feel all beings are energetically connected.

-I am an empath.

-I see god in everything.

-My dog, Kona, and I are trained to give comfort in schools, hospitals and hospice-care.

-I feel called to give hope by helping others develop intuitive guidance and create a spiritual practice.

Finding Your Life’s Purpose


Fate -vs- Free Will