Owl and Dragon— Chapter 2
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Owl and Dragon— Chapter 2

The familiar path home and cool night air comforted Owl as she flew through the velvety night sky. She enjoyed the feeling of her wing tips gently bending to-and-fro with each stroke, as she pondered what to do with a growing dragon.

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Owl and Dragon-Chapter 1
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Owl and Dragon-Chapter 1

Once upon a time in a land just beyond the veil, Owl as flying to her hollow right before dawn. On her way, she spied the soft curve of an enormous egg in the moon light. Intrigued, she glided down and landed on its smooth, curved surface. A dragon egg, she thought. How strange and wonderful. Dragons lived far from this forest, in the deep caves near the sea, or in the sky-caves on the highest mountain tops. How it had gotten to the forest floor, Owl had no idea. She recalled a story from her childhood about how an egg forms in the spot where a dragon has died. Curious, she thought. Then she thought about it no more.

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Father Oak
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Father Oak

Once upon a time in a land just beyond the veil, a grand and ancient oak tree lived. Woodland creatures far and wide called this tree, Father Oak. The old oak was firmly rooted adjacent a dense woodland. Father Oak was the central point in this enchanted region; from sleeping bats to busy squirrels, it was home, sustenance and protection for many creatures with acorns aplenty, perfect nesting branches and snug hollows for fur and feathered hosts.

One late August evening,

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Blessed Milk Thistle & The Great Goddess
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Blessed Milk Thistle & The Great Goddess

Once upon a time, a mother found herself on a long journey with her baby daughter. They traveled by boat, then by train and then for the very last leg, on foot. The mom carried her baby slung across her body with a strip of fabric like a sash. Also slung across her body in the opposite direction, was a satchel of meager provisions.

As misfortune would have it, mother and daughter were set upon by thieves as they walked the last few miles home.

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Finding Your Life’s Purpose
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Finding your life’s purpose is the same as finding your soul’s purpose. Imagine your life from a bird’s eye view; pan out a little further than your home life, and notice all the people, creatures, places and objects that are connected to you. Some connections are big and some small, but they all have an energetic thread, creating a pathway.

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Animal-Spirit Guides
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Animal-Spirit Guides

Why do we have animal spirit-guides? I think it’s perspective. Animal, angel and other non-human guides offer different perspectives on your life. You may even feel differently when connecting to them.

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Fate -vs- Free Will
Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer

Fate -vs- Free Will

Have you ever wondered if your life is ruled by fate or free will?

You’re not alone. Wise men, philosophers and theologians have pondered this question throughout time.

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Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer


How do we know our love is real? Is love at first sight possible? Can you grow love where there is none? Is love eternal?

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Dawn Renee Neideffer Dawn Renee Neideffer


Relationships….why am I obsessed with them?

From my earliest memories, I recall watching how people relate to one another How they communicate, verbally or not. How they want, need and crave one another. How they can destroy, degrade and diminish one another.

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